Angelo - Angel of the Animals
One day, shortly before my return trip to Germany, I rescued a small puppy but couldn’t bring it with me and I didn’t have time to find a foster or adoption family. To make a long story short,
Angelo showed up like an angel from heaven
and overtook the puppy!
On my next trip to the Dominican Republic, visited him in his little hut
in the poor neighborhood of Cienaga (Province Puerto Plata)
and was overwhelmed by his devotion and love for animals.
We stayed in touch and his help inspired me to create my foundation.
I started to support Angelo with paid work
as well as training him with the necessary knowledge on medical treatments and how he can help these animals in the most effective way.
I invested in his modest house and
we started our first small rescue station: Casa de Angelo y Alexandra
Angelo lives there with his adorable family,
6 dogs 2 cats, 2 birds and a steady rescued animals turn-over.