Dr. Alexismission e.V.
Help us make a difference in their lives now

Animal birth control campaigns & clinics
Vaccination & parasites treatments
Facilitate adoption & foster care process


Dr Alexandra Goergens


Since I was three years old, I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian! Animals were always the center of my attention and unlike other kids, school field trips to the zoo or circus made me sad. 

I couldn’t bear the sight of caged animals. I could feel their sadness and I wish I could free them. My calling was clearIy to help animals. 

During my entire career as a veterinarian, first as an assistant and later in my own practice, I have devoted my free time to animal welfare and participated in many castration programs all over the world (Rumania, India, Greece, Caribbean).

The dogs of the Dominican Republic won my heart over with their incredibly friendly character and grateful nature.

In 2020 I took the exciting step of founding my own none-profit organization Dr. Alexismission e.V. in order to rescue animals on a bigger scale and pass down my “veterinary know- how” to the next generation of veterinarians and helping hands. 

 The work of for my foundation is 100 % volunteer based as my reward is witnessing the growth of the positive impact that my organization is creating for animals and their care takers.

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Angelo - Angel of the Animals

One day, shortly before my return trip to Germany, I rescued a small puppy but couldn’t bring it with me and I didn’t have time to find a foster or adoption family. To make a long story short,

Angelo showed up like an angel from heaven

and overtook the puppy!

On my next trip to the Dominican Republic, visited him in his little hut

in the poor neighborhood of Cienaga (Province Puerto Plata)

and was overwhelmed by his devotion and love for animals.

We stayed in touch and his help inspired me to create my foundation.

I started to support Angelo with paid work

as well as training him with the necessary knowledge on medical treatments and how he can help these animals in the most effective way.

I invested in his modest house and

we started our first small rescue station: Casa de Angelo y Alexandra

Angelo lives there with his adorable family,

6 dogs 2 cats, 2 birds and a steady rescued animals turn-over.

In the meantime, we have both become an indispensable institution in the region and contact point for many emergencies.

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Good times - good partner

We had a lot of good experiences together & helped countless animals.

We fight hand in hand for the rights and welfare of the animals every day

and we support animals owners themselves who cannot afford medical care.


For us, witnessing first hand the grate-fullness of a rescued animal is priceless and the most rewarding feeling.

Obviously, we cannot heal the world however we won’t turn a blind eye when we cross path with an animal in need!

Gift for the next generation

Knowledge, experience, assets, fund raising to rescue abandoned animals and invest in prevention programs for animal welfare.

We welcome your feedback

Suggestions & inquiries